Kilmeena Ladies
Thank you to all who attended our registration night recently. It’s almost certain that we will have three ladies teams at under 10,12,& 14 levels.
A meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 12 at 8pm in the club house to finalise matters.
All managers/mentors who have put their names forward to help are asked to attend or anyone who wants to help in 2013 with the Ladies Club please come along on the night.
Any girls who would like to join our ladies teams can contact Trish on 086 8281455 a.s.a.p.
We have a range of Kilmeena GAA merchandise available;
Adults jackets €50
Hoodies range in price, age 11 years €40, 13-14 years €44
Adult sizes €56.
Polo shirts €15
Water proof training jackets; €20 for children’s sizes & €25 for adults.
Hats €5
Send me a message (through the Contact Us tab on this website) if you wish to order any of these items.