Please see below correspondence received from Mayo County Board;


"There are a few things that we need to be aware of over the coming 24 hours as club orders are coming in.

We have an allocation to fulfil up to 100% of club orders that were received for the drawn game.

Clubs received 95% of their total orders for the drawn game but this can be brought up to what was ordered initially.

As there are only two days to process Club orders, clubs should be aware that taking orders for amounts above what was ordered for the drawn game will not be possible.

At the moment tickets are not available on-line or in the usual retail outlets. This will have the effect of Club secretaries receiving orders from individuals who they have not received orders from for the drawn game.

Once we have received our Club orders, tickets can then be released on-line and through retail outlets so as to give the chance to Clubs to fulfil their orders first.

Realistically trying to process orders above the level received for the drawn game is not possible in the short time left to Clubs and ourselves".