To be involved with Kilmeena GAA, all coaches, managers and anyone working with our underage players must be vetted. While we are grateful for all volunteers, it is imperative that the safety needs of our participants are adhered to. As such, the commencement of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 will soon take place.


We have been informed that the Acts will now commence on 29 April 2016 thus introducing the mandatory vetting of all persons who work with children or underage teams, i.e. teams and individuals under 18 yrs. of age, and to those who work with vulnerable adults as well.


Once the Acts commence, the GAA will move from the current paper vetting system to an on line or E-Vetting procedure for our members.


The National Vetting Bureau will then commence with ‘Retrospective Vetting’ i.e. the vetting of persons who currently work with children in the GAA but have not been vetted to date.


They will continue to vet all new applicants who wish to work with children in the GAA prior to them undertaking any such role.


As part of the new e-vetting system, the re-vetting of those previously vetted under the old vetting procedures will be done.


Above all, it is crucial that all who work with Kilmeena GAA and LGFA teams have been vetted. The onus is on you, the volunteer, to ensure that you have complied with this very important aspect of child safety.