"Club of the Year"
As we approach the end of what has been a memorable year, the Club is compiling a CALENDAR OF PHOTOGRAPHS as part of its 125 Celebrations.
Throughout the year, we held a number of activities to ensure this milestone in our Club’s history was suitably celebrated. Each event was photographed, and we now have an excellent collection of photographs that captured these special moments. While a good selection of these photos are posted on our website, it was suggested by some Club members that compiling a Calendar of Photographs containing a sample of the sporting and social occasions would be much appreciated. A Committee, comprising Martin McIntyre, Claire Ryan, Pat and Ollie Mulchrone, have undertaken the onerous task of sifting and sorting through what is available and are ensuring that the final copy will be wide-ranging and representative of what was undertaken throughout the year. It will be a fitting souvenir of the year and will be one to appreciate into the future. It will be available on the run into Christmas and will no doubt be of interest to supporters at home and abroad.
A LIMITED NUMBER number of copies will be available from next week on a first come first served basis. This once-off production should serve as a benchmark until the next major milestone in the history of the Club, i.e. 2039.
Retail outlets for the purchase of the Calendars will be posted here as soon as they become available. Watch this space!
Walter Cox
Committee Chairman