As part of the ongoing Club Development Plan compiled last year, the second issue of the annual Club’s Newsletter is in the process of being prepared for publication before Christmas.
The purpose of the publication is to put on record a summary of club related events as they occurred during 2015. Last year’s ISSUE proved very popular in this regard, and no doubt this present copy will prove to be just as appealing.
While last year’s issue dealt with local events, it is proposed to include submissions from the Kilmeena diaspora, dotted around the globe, in this year's and future editions of the newsletter. Therefore, we invite members of our community abroad, to furnish us with articles, photos, comments, etc., - not necessarily G.A.A. affairs - that you may be engaged with in your new adopted society, for inclusion in this year’s publication.
We would love to hear from you:
Send you submissions, ASAP, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.