On behalf of all at Kilmeena G.A.A. Club I wish to sincerely thank our Ladies Club for organising a hugely successful Race Night in the Big Tree Public House on Friday night 20th May. I am acutely aware of the hours and the days that go into getting an event like this organised, and to each one of you, who once again put the shoulder to the wheel and helped get this event over the line, I want to say thanks. The running of this event is a credit to the Ladies Club and was ran off in a most professional manner. I know that many of you spent long hours, in the days leading up to the night, planning and preparing so that there would be no hiccups on the night and it is testament to all of your organisational skills that the night ran so smoothly.
I would like to thank everyone who supported this fundraiser, those who bought horses, sponsored races,donated spot prizes, placed bets on the races, The Big Tree, the bookies, photographer, our neighbours who supported us from Burrishoole, and each and everyone who had any input whatsoever in making this, the magnificent night that it was. I want to say well done to everyone of you for organising and taking on the challenge.
Work on the ground development project will hopefully be starting in the next week, we will have to have a couple more small fundraisers in order to complete the works, but in the end it will be well worth it, and the achievement will be something we all can be justifiably proud of.
Once again, a huge thanks to all involved for the Race Night.
Willie Keaveney. Club Chairman.