As part of its 125 Celebrations, the much anticipated Function for the older Members of the Club was held on Sunday 4th May. Even the weather held firm to allow a large attendance pay due tribute to a group of people who have been the mainstay of the Club for up to 60 years in some cases. In honour of the occasion the Sports Park and Community were decorated with flags, bunting and Club Jerseys. Irish TV were on hand to record the proceedings and held interviews with some Club Members. The Clew Bay Pipe Band considerably enriched the occasion with their rousing renditions of appropriate tunes.
The Chairman, Willie Keaveney, welcomed the gathering and praised the invited guests for loyal service to the Club and the GAA in general. Councillor John O’Malley, Chairman of Mayo County Council, also spoke and praised the Club on the achievement of celebrating 125 years in existence. A minute’s silence was observed for deceased Members.
First to be honoured were the Members of the Cusack Cup winning Panel of 1968 who were presented with Parchments by Club President, Tom Ryan. Similar presentations were made to other players and supporters in recognition of their commitment to the Club.
The assembly then marched to the Community Centre, led by the Pipe Band and followed by Under Age boys and girls who carried the specially designed Banner “Ceiliúradh 125 Bhliain." The townlands of Rossikeeran and Myna were resplendent with bunting, flags and balloons, and echoed to the marching tunes of the Pipe Band.
On arriving at the Community Centre, the guests saw for the first time a magnificent Exhibition, detailing the history of the Club over the ages in newspaper articles, photographs and other paraphernalia. A sideshow and old video clips held rapt attention long into the evening. It was a fitting background for an evening of renewing of old acquaintances and reminiscing of special moments from the past. A special cake, emblazoned with the 125 crest and cut by T. J. McIntyre, Captain of the 1968 Team added to the occasion. A Ladies Committee served up refreshments and no one went home hungry! It was a proud day for the Club and one which will be remembered long into the future.
The Club wishes to thank all those who contributed in any way to the preparations; all those who helped out in putting up flags, bunting and balloons; those who stewarded the Car Parks; to those who provided background music in the Sports Park and Community Centre; to the Members of the 125 Committee who compiled such a brilliant Exhibition; a special thanks to the ladies who provided the refreshments and special cake; the Clew Bay Pipe Band who added so much to the celebratory atmosphere; to Avril and Martin of Irish TV for recording the event for broadcast at a later date; to the Hall Community for making the Community Centre available.
The Exhibition will be on display at a later date for the Community to view.
Walter Cox
Chairman 125 Committee.
More images from the celebrations to follow later.
St Brendan's Park, decked in its Sunday best, ready and waiting for the festivities to begin. Hopefully the weather will oblige.
Many thanks to Martina Cawley for providing the celebratory cake. What Skill!
Kilmeena's bright start not enough to see them through against Westport in the Kelly Cup played in Westport yesterday evening.
Kilmeena 2 - 14 2 - 14 Westport
We are all now looking forward to this Sunday May the 4th, when our more Senior Club Members will be honoured. Presentations will take place at 5 pm in the Sports Park, followed by a parade to the Community Centre. It will be led by the Clew Bay Pipe Band and some younger boys and girls will carry the 125 Banner. Refreshments will be served. An exhibition of photographs, match reports, memorabilia and slide show will set the scene in the Community Centre and bring back memories of times past for our invited guests. Irish TV will be on hand to record some scenes and interview a number of those present from 4pm onwards. Mid West radio will interview Martin McIntyre for broadcast on Saturday afternoon. We feel it is only fitting that every effort is made to make this a special occasion for those who have given sterling service to the Club over a long period of time.
A selection of the images from the slide show that will be screened in the Community Centre on Sunday evening.
Familiar faces indeed!
Images supplied courtesy of Frank Dolan Photographer Westport.
The Kilmeena Senior team are in action this Saturday evening. They take on Westport, in Westport.
West Mayo Kelly Cup - Group 2
Saturday 3 May. Venue; Westport. Time; 6.30pm.
Westport St Patrick's vs Kilmeena GAA
Go along and show your support, it is appreciated!