Young men all...
The Kilmeena team assemble for one last hurray in their hotel in Toronto, prior to the teams departure to Shannon following a successful tour of the USA in June 1970.
Now for the difficult part: identify the young souls.
...just seems like yesterday!
(Image courtesy of Nicholas Duffy)
The ravages of time! ...circa 1968/9
Those were the days... we thought they'd never end...
(can you name them?)
(Image courtesy of Tommy Fahy)
Picture taken of some of the pupils attending the "Old School" Myna, on the occasion of the retirement of Mr. P.H. Moran on the 7th of December 1948.
(This is an update of the image previously posted here)
Click on the link below for a larger image with pupil identification.
(Image courtesy of Tommy Casey - information update provided by Liam Garavan, Tommy Casey and Paddy Keane)
Kilmeena G.A.A. Club held their A.G.M. in the Clubhouse on Sunday 13th December 2015. The meeting was well attended and a comprehensive review of the past year was undertaken. The Chairman welcomed all in attendance and outlined what has been a successful year on and off the playing pitch. He thanked everyone involved with the club who make such a positive contribution to the development of the sport and provide a quality playing experience for our young people.
The Club is the focal point in the community, and he urged greater involvement from parents in volunteering their time in coaching, and in the administration of the Club.
The following officers were elected for the coming year:
Club Patron Fr.Jim Walsh.
President Willie Kelly.
Vice President Padraic Golden.
Chairman Willie Keaveney.
Vice Chairman Darren Madden.
Secretary Paul Ryan.
Assistant Secretary Ollie Mulchrone.
Treasurer Padraic Moore.
Assistant Treasurer John Mc Donald.
Club P.R.O. Trish Hogan.
Health and Well Being Officer Michael Gavin.
Club Registrar Damien Hughes
Scor Officer Brian Lennon.
Club Coaching Officer Michael Gavin.
Safety Officer Michael O Grady.
County Board Delegate Kevin Barrett.
West Board Delegate Kevin Barrett.
Chairman of Bord na nÓg John McDonald.
Secretary Bord a nÓg Trish Hogan.
Registrar for Girls Teams Majella O Malley.